(Note: Please contact BenSOFT Ltd. for more current information.)
Version 1.5v3 -- Fixed minor bug with registration
Version 1.5v1-v2 -- Registered versions of Menu Maker Pro V1.5
Version 1.5x
Added Changes over V1.0:
• User menus can be "Previewed" together as they would in the actual program without obstruction by MMP menus on a special screen.
• Added Balloon Help to every aspect of the program. Try it!
• Preference file does not clutter anywhere.
• New options, including: 'Rename Menu', 'Rename Menuitem, Set Menumessage' & 'Set Command Char., and Set CheckMark.'
• Faster '"Install"-ation of menus into multiple stacks.
• Preferences are updated before "Install"-ation, so that menu selections can be altered at any time.
• Menus can be "Analysed" on the Preview Screen
• Restored the "Edit" menu for limited functions.
• Minor cosmetic enhancements and new PICTs, mainly concerning background pictures.
Notes: New SHAREWARE Policy:
Payment Options:
$10 - officially registers your copy, and you will receive the password to eliminate the SHAREWARE Warnings. You also now receive FREE UPDATES to Menu Maker Pro™ as long as it is a Shareware product.
$15 - everything in the $10 payment, but also gets you the latest copy of MMP on a disk, and complimentary bonus stacks from BenSOFT Ltd., and JK Programming. You also will have the option to beta test future versions of MMP.
Version 1.0
Original version by Ben Zadik
Distributed by BenSoft Ltd.
Notes: Allowed users to add and see the menus and menuitems they created on screen, for the first time....
For a copy of Menu Maker Pro V1.0 contact BenSoft at: bensoft@aol.com